MEGA -- Miccio-Fonseca

Frequently Asked Questions Page

Welcome to the MEGA website


Question: What do I need to do to be qualified to administer the MEGA


Answer: One must complete the MEGA 1 Day Specialized Certification Training.


Question: How do I order the MEGA?


Answer: Once you have completed the MEGA 1 Day Specialized Certification Training, you will receive instructions on how to log onto to the MEGA website and place your order for the number of risk reports needed (pay via PayPal).


Question: Why is there a cost for the MEGA reports?


Answer: Court systems opt for accuracy, preferring not to rely on unscientific methods (guess-estimates) on risk assessment. Court systems expect more solidly empirically based methods and measures.


MEGA established normative data according to age group and gender and is how the profiles are scored. There is no “guess-estimate”. The cost is related to the scientific method and expertise of MEGA.


Question: How do you know that the MEGA is accurate?


Answer: MEGA was tested on an international sample of over 1000 youth with an accuracy rate of 71%, considered an acceptable level of accuracy for a risk assessment tool.


Question: Did the MEGA validation studies show any differences between males and females?


Answer: Yes, males were at higher risk for sexually abusive behaviors and are significantly more likely to reoffend.


Question: Can I use the MEGA to assess youth with low intellectual functioning?


Answer: Yes. Over 20% of the MEGA validation, international samples were youth with low intellectual functioning.


Question: Can I use the MEGA to assess non-adjudicated youth?


Answer: MEGA is applicable to both adjudicated and non-adjudicated youth who are in variety settings (i.e., outpatient, inpatient, foster care, or group homes and residential facilities, and juvenile detention facilities).


Question: You indicated that  MEGA can be used with youth ages 4-19 year olds, boys and girls. How can one tool be used with such a wide age range?


Answer: Because the cross-validation data was on 1056 youth (males and females, 4-19 years), the statistical analysis established separate scoring schemes for different gender and age groups (i.e., 4-12 years; 13-15 years; 16-19 years).


Question: Does the MEGA assess protective factors?


Answer: MEGA is the only risk assessment tool that has incorporated a protective scale and tested on over 2200 youth, males and females, 4-19 years.


Question: What does it mean when you say, MEGA is an "outcome measure"?


Answer: The MEGA is initially administered to get a "baseline" of risk for sexually abusive behaviors and can then be administered every 6 months assessing the changes in risk over time, thus an "outcome" measure.


Question: How can the MEGA help me when I am assessing a very dangerous offender (someone whose sexual behaviors are potentially lethal)?


Answer: The MEGA differs from other risk assessment tools in that it has four risk levels, one of which assesses for dangerous and very high-risk youth.


Question: Did the construction of MEGA rely on any research findings on risk assessment for adult sex offenders?


Answer: The MEGA meets in the strictest sense, the standard of being an empirically based risk assessment tool, solely on youth.


Question: When should I administer the MEGA?


Answer: On first contact with the youth to establish the youth's baseline risk level.