Lucinda A. Lee Rasmussen, Ph.D., LCSW is the Senior Research Consultant on the MEGA♪ International Project assisting in the MEGA♪ specialized training in London, Liverpool, and Manchester, England, Glasgow, Scotland, and Dublin, Ireland, and has given several presentations in Israel about MEGA♪
Dr. Rasmussen completed the first longitudinal predictive validity and treatment outcome study (6 years) on the two most contemporary risk assessment tools for sexually abusive youth, MEGA♪ and the JSORRAT-II (see web link for handouts). She also is the developer of the Trauma Outcome Process Assessment (TOPA) model, a practice model for assessing and treating traumatized children, youth and adults.
Dr. Rasmussen is an Associate Professor at the School of Social Work at San Diego State University with research interests that include effects of trauma on sexually abused and sexually abusive youth.